The wife of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Sunita Kejriwal, has been ordered by the High Court to take down the video footage from social media. Understand the entire situation
Sunita Kejriwal, the wife of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, has been ordered by the Delhi High Court to take down the court hearing's video recording from social media in relation to the liquor policy issue. The Delhi Chief Minister's wife tweeted a video of her husband directly presenting his case in court following his ED detention for the purported liquor policy fraud.
Rules of the Delhi High Court VC violated
The Delhi High Court heard a petition on Saturday asking for action against Kejriwal's wife Sunita Kejriwal and other parties for publishing the tape of court proceedings online. Attorney Vaibhav Singh provided background information on the matter and stated that Sunita Kejriwal and other parties have been given notice by the court to reply by July 9. The Delhi High Court VC guidelines have been broken, according to the High Court, which has requested that the footage be taken down from social media.
Sunita Kejriwal and other parties received a notice
The English website Live Law said that the case was heard by a division bench consisting of Justices Neena Bansal Krishna and Amit Sharma. Regarding a PIL against Sunita Kejriwal and multiple others for allegedly breaking video conference guidelines, the bench has sent notice.
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The wife of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Sunita Kejriwal, has been ordered by the High Court to take down the video footage from social media. Understand the entire situation
— 🤝Oysis Digital Shop 🪴 (@horo_oysis) June 15, 2024